All standard and custom VCL components are missing and all settings have been reset back to not just default, but a pretty much empty configuration that is no good for anything except console apps. The packages (both standard and custom) are all gone as well and are unreinstallable. In short, my installation is totally corrupt. I think I caused this by partially uninstalling Delphi by accident whilst doing a major clean-up on the hard disc a while back. I’ve tried reinstalling Delphi but despite hacking about in the registry I can’t get any custom components reinstalled.
There’s an old urban myth going about that the Chinese word for “crisis” is a conglomeration of the symbols for “danger” and “opportunity”. So I think I’m going to take this opportunity, when funds permit, to upgrade my development environment to Delphi 2009:
Glad to hear that you're still alive and thinking of Kharne. Not so good to hear about your Delphi problems. Good luck!
Any chance that this blog gets updated?
Yes *grins*
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