Saturday 17 October 2009

Achivements & Reputation

Some day (cue wistful music and sepia tones), I'd like to implement an achievement system, like you find in MMORPGs:

I'm actually quite surprised that there aren't any, as far as I know, roguelikes with an achievement system. Though you could argue that the game score is a measure of achievement in itself.

Further to that, I'd like to implement factions & reputation (with faction quartermasters):

Of course, you could argue that the deities in Crawl are effectively factions.


Enne Walker said...

I'm actually quite surprised that there aren't any, as far as I know, roguelikes with an achievement system.

The combination of this post and the last is quite amusing. Maybe you should take a look at #1 on your unplayed list? ;)

Dave said...


It would be one of the ones I hadn't played, wouldn't it?

I'll give it a go, I seem to be missing out on quite a lot.

Anonymous said...

"I'm actually quite surprised that there aren't any, as far as I know, roguelikes with an achievement system"

Actually, profession-dependent diplomas in LambdaRogue are inspired by WoW achievements.