Monday 19 April 2010

Onwards - a new roadmap.

0.05c will be released when I have potions and ranged combat implemented.

According to the old roadmap, I'm way behind on just about everything. Quelle surprise. Such is the life of the roguelike developer. Problem is, I have so many ideas for the game its preventing me from really developing it quickly. That, and the fact that I'm doped up to my eyeballs most of the time on venlafaxine, and that also I've got my dissertation ("Microquasar VHE photon production and its implications for microquasar identification, morphology and classification") to write this summer.

The two biggies coming up next to implement are persistence and magic.


James McNeill said...

Grad school and antidepressants: a classic combo! Best of luck on your dissertation, and on Kharne.

Dave said...

Its worse than that - its a full-time job, recent semi-divorce, part-time grad school, depression, chronic insomnia and antidepressants. :p

Mario Donick said...

"Microquasar VHE photon production and its implications for microquasar identification, morphology and classification"

This sounds rather interesting -- so are you some kind of astrophysicist?