I've added some code to gray out monsters that aren't aware of the character yet:

The mouse over hint will also tell you that they're not aware of you yet. When they wake up, they return to their natural colours:

Incidentally, this was an instance of stairs from the town level leading directly down into a vault. It's not very common, and can only happen on the first entrance to a dungeon branch. The question is, should I disallow stairs from being located inside vaults?

The mouse over hint will also tell you that they're not aware of you yet. When they wake up, they return to their natural colours:

Incidentally, this was an instance of stairs from the town level leading directly down into a vault. It's not very common, and can only happen on the first entrance to a dungeon branch. The question is, should I disallow stairs from being located inside vaults?
"The question is, should I disallow stairs from being located inside vaults?"
I wouldn't, personally. Especially if it only happens on the first floor. It makes sense that the entrance to a dungeon would be used as a vault. So, if you don't think it'll have a negative impact on game-play I'd leave it in.
So unrelated once more,
I am trying Kharne for the first time.
Random char ( Half Orc Priest ) , go down to Fortress of Ablach, go up, open door, message saying 'A Xvart comes into view!' 'A kobold comes into view' Game hangs..
Tom, yeah, that's a known bug.
I'll probably release an interim to fix that problem.
Would you be interested in me sending you a version with that fixed?
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